Black Lives Matter.

Posted by Ravenswood Studio on Jun 15, 2020 in

Many have reckoned with the facts of race in America for generations, while others are just coming to the table. At Ravenswood Studio we are making a commitment to ensure that the crowd around the table continues to grow through the work that we do.

Our client partners are cultural, corporate, and civic institutions who fulfill a vital role in their communities as places for learning, exploring, and growing. Many of the experiences we create are long-term, and occupy a position of authority in the ways we create knowledge, understanding, and empathy. We recognize the privilege of this platform and are committed to using it to sustain the ongoing fight for social justice. We believe that the work we do can educate, empower, and strengthen our clients and their communities.

Still, we do not have all the answers.

We are working internally to hold ourselves accountable to these principles and determine how best to see them reflected in our work not just in the coming weeks or months, but for as long as we are in business.

We believe that our work has a role to play in the coming change. And we hope that you think so too.

Black Lives Matter.