Safety First: Keeping Crews Protected On-site During COVID-19

Posted by Ravenswood Studio on Oct 15, 2020 in

It has become clear that the impact and the need to change how we work because of COVID-19 is going to be part of our businesses for a long time. To keep businesses operating through the pandemic, we have seen many organizations shift to working at home. Unfortunately, the work of Ravenswood Studio, exhibit fabrication, …

Inspiring Budding Builders: Creating an At-Home Makerspace

Posted by Ravenswood Studio on Apr 13, 2020 in

Makerspaces, all the rage the last few years, can be found at many museums, or even as a dedicated community space. They’re also not just for adults, but for young children and teens. Giving children hands-on opportunities to become craftspeople, learn basic engineering principles, and explore their creative side is an important part of STEM …