The Gun Violence Memorial Project
Traveling Exhibit
Designer: MASS Design Group
The Gun Violence Memorial Project seeks to address America’s gun violence epidemic by creating a space for remembrance, healing, and education. The sheer scale of this epidemic often reduces victims of gun violence to statistics, and ideas of change to empty promises. In consecrating a new space for individual and collective healing, the Gun Violence Memorial Project aims to shift our national discourse to focus on the narratives of lives lost in order to build empathy, inspire action, and move people closer to a future without gun violence.
Each hollow “brick” is given to a victim of gun violence. Family members and friends of the victims donate sentimental tokens, often something the victims were fond or something that physically represents their personality, rather than just being another name on a list. As the museum continues to move, more remembrances items will be added.
The exhibit first opened at the Chicago Architectural Biennial in the fall of 2019, and will continue to travel to various museums.
Recipient of San Francisco Design Week’s Altruistic/Non-profit Design Award
Project Management